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A New Era with a Tsunami Wave of Revival – From Sea to Shining Sea!
A New Era of Voice and Vision As we posture ourselves at the doorway of the Hebrew New Year of 5780, we can learn a lot from its numerical value. In the most prophetic sort of way, between the year 5780 is sandwiched the number 78.This relates to the Hebrew...

The Prayer Bowls Are Tipping and New Heavenly Creativity Is Being Released!
Recently while in prayer, the Lord started speaking to me about the prayer bowls in Heaven, and how some were coming into a fullness of time where they are going to be poured out in response to the prayers of the saints.

I Saw a Rain of Revival – With the Cloud of God’s Glory Coming to Us
In a vision, the Spirit of God showed me a massive storm approaching. There were dark clouds and heavy rain, and people got soaked and drenched unexpectedly. Many in the vision were looking around perplexed and confused, saying, “Why were we not made aware of the storm that was coming? We could have been prepared and brought along our umbrellas or found a place of safety.”

Do You Know the Blessings of Loving God?
God is a great giver of blessings. Even before His six days of creating all that we see and beyond, God knew what He would do…and what we would choose. Yet, He still created the earth, the universe, everything in and in between them. Then, in one of His greatest acts of love—His greatest blessing—He not only made us in His image, but He put all the earth, every creature, under our care. He gave us an inheritance, a family, an identity.

God Is Giving New Power to Break Things Open
If it feels like things are shaking all around you, then be encouraged and trust that the shaking is also breaking open new things.

Prophecy: Queen Elizabeth Needs Prayer for Bold Move
On September 13, 2019 at Awakening House of Prayer South London, I saw a vision of a crown rotating. Then I saw a scepter. I heard the Lord say, “Pray for Queen Elizabeth to have boldness. She will need to make a bold move. One more bold move.”
With Oct. 31 looming and the difficulties gaining a majority in Parliament over Brexit, could Queen Elizabeth use her Royal Prerogative to determine the fate of the United Kingdom in the context of a European exit?
We did see her offer Royal Assent to a piece of legislation seeking to prevent Prime Minister Boris Johnson from taking the United Kingdom out of the European Union without an exit deal on Oct. 31.
Could the 93-year-old monarch be something like a Queen Esther of our time to save a nation? Will she be forced to fire Prime Minister Boris Johnson if he receives a vote of no confidence a refuses to resign?
The monarchy has already taken loads of criticism for suspending Parliament at Johnson’s request, but she would likewise have taken loads of criticism if she had denied his request.
Could Queen Elizabeth, who has historically remained out of the political fray as constitutional monarch, wield her influence at this critical moment in the nation’s history?
While some are speculating about the end of the monarch, could this constitutional crisis reveal the wisdom and authority of the queen to step in when the government is out of answers?
Given the sensitive nature of this topic, I hesitate to say more. Let’s pray for boldness for our Queen at such a time as this. Let’s pray she find courage to execute the will of the Lord for the United Kingdom. Pray for boldness.

An Invitation to Walk in Radical Obedience
Psalm 119:112 (ESV), "I incline my heart to perform your statutes forever, to the end." For many people, in this time of transition to the next step of their destinies, God is challenging the mindsets and ways of His people in order to bring greater alignment with His...

It’s a Time to Believe and Not Doubt
We are in a crucial time and how we spend our time is vital. It takes the same energy to believe as it does to doubt. Often as prophetic people, we are given words years before we start to see signs of them coming to pass. This is one of those words that has been...

God Is Setting a New Order! A Major Shift Is Shaking Us for the Future
Dear Advancing Ones: God is setting a new order! There is a major shift of the heavens that is shaking us into new access for the future. The Lord says, "My hand is pushing you forward with a sustained, strength-filled push. There is a veil between the answer to your...

Exponential Growth in the Harvest Fields – a Sign of What’s to Come
Watch the Exponential Growth of Crops Exponential: (of an increase) becoming more and more rapid. I saw and heard, in a vision, that the harvest fields in the natural will have exponential growth this season. I was taken into the spirit where I saw the fields, and a...

How to Walk in Friendship and Favor with the King
Throughout history and to this present day, people have pursued friendship with their rulers. Whether they be kings, queens, presidents, prime ministers, governors, senators, mayors, judges or other political leaders, they are surrounded by people who want to be close friends.

Are You Struggling with Envy or Jealousy?
I believe the Lord is revealing His mercy towards us right now in the area of envy and jealousy. He is healing dents and bruises that have been caused by wounds of envy.

“God Is Giving You the Spoils of Your Enemy!”

Don’t Throw Away That Prophecy Just Yet!
The gift of prophecy is one of the most exciting spiritual gifts. Also, it is one of the most misunderstood. I remember one of the first times I received a prophetic word. Emotionally, it felt like an overwhelming and celebratory experience. The only problem was that...

What Time Is It? How to Prophetically Know the Times and Seasons
If Jesus has called you as a prophet, then He’s called you to LEAD, to INTERCEDE, and to KNOW THE TIMES AND SEASONS. Every prophet holds spiritual keys from Heaven within a specific metron. A metron is a Greek word that means measure and limited portion. The apostle Paul, being aware of his metron, was diligent to stay within his God-assigned “sphere” and showed tremendous ministry impact as a result (2 Cor. 10:13).

Prophetic Word: ‘It’s Time to Take Your Mountains’
I realized at the end of July that I had been having a lot of mountain dreams; I was planting flags on mountains, exploring mountaintops and saw myself skipping over the mountains. I was in meetings at the time, so I never really stopped to realize that I was actually traveling through the mountains. So of course, my word this month has do with mountains.