
Is There An Orphan Within?

For many individuals it is something that we don't want to acknowledge, but there is a reality in which many people struggle, both in the Body of Christ as well as in the world, and that struggle is rooted in an Orphan Spirit. By “orphan”, I am referring to a struggle...
Securing The Gates

Securing The Gates

The gates must be secured! By Ken Malone While in Middletown OH, Chuck Pierce prophesied that we must go through and secure The Gates. When I heard him say this it resonated in my spirit that the church must secure The Gates from city to city and state to state. It...

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Jennifer LeClaire Prophesies 17 Days Pressing Into the Holy of Holies for Victory

Jennifer LeClaire Prophesies 17 Days Pressing Into the Holy of Holies for Victory

God is inviting you to get on your face before Him and press into the Holy of Holies for the next 17 days unto deliverance and overcoming victory. That was the word of the Lord in my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast on Dec. 6.

Indeed, the Lord broke through heavy resistance to a revelation of His glory to issue a challenge to His bride. Before we move deeper into that prophetic instruction, let’s understand what the Holy of Holies is according to Scripture.

We see the Holy of Holies first mentioned in Exodus 26:33: “You shall hang up the veil under the clasps, and shall bring in the ark of the testimony there within the veil; and the veil shall serve for you as a partition between the holy place and the holy of holies.”

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Judging Revelation

Judging Revelation

Unlocking proper discernment in your life By James Goll This message could save you from a lot of head ache. In this powerful message, James Goll gives 9 scriptural tests for supernatural revelation to help you discern if what you are receiving is from God, the devil,...

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Transitioning from old to new! By Patricia Owyang BRAIN, NOT BRAWN, cuts the mustard during this transition season. Fall is the transition season between sunny Summer and frosty Winter. Every thing in nature is winding down to wind up the old season in anticipation of...

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