
Is There An Orphan Within?

For many individuals it is something that we don't want to acknowledge, but there is a reality in which many people struggle, both in the Body of Christ as well as in the world, and that struggle is rooted in an Orphan Spirit. By “orphan”, I am referring to a struggle...
Ride the Wind: A Prophetic Word About the Holy Spirit’s Direction

Ride the Wind: A Prophetic Word About the Holy Spirit’s Direction

I was in prayer seeking the Lord about the season we’re entering into and He said something very distinct: Ride the wind!

I’ve learned we need to discern what the Holy Spirit is blowing on and go with that flow. When you discern the grace of God on something you have to tap into that vein until the wind shifts.

We can ride the wind of blessings. We can ride the wind of increase. We can ride the wind of change. We can even ride the wind of adversity for His glory. When you ride the wind you are in a Holy Ghost flow and you gain mass momentum. You’re in that sweet spot where you’ve got crazy favor with God and man.

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I’m Exposing These False Prophets Once and for All

I’m Exposing These False Prophets Once and for All

Another month, another conspiracy theorist claiming the end of the world is coming.

You may be rolling your eyes right now, but the reality is scads of unsuspecting people are buying into this bombastic banter. We need to pray for more discernment in the body of Christ. When the world witnesses this goofy manifestation of the “prophetic,” it makes genuine prophets seem illegitimate.

Let’s debunk these false prophetic utterances before we pray:

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7 Vital Truths You Need to Know About Angels

7 Vital Truths You Need to Know About Angels

Angels are ministering spirits sent to serve the heirs of salvation (Heb. 1:14). Angels help us, protect us, send messages to us, unfold revelation, guard us and more. Angels are all around us.

Since the Lord gave me the prophetic word about the angels of abundant harvest, I’ve been studying angels more and more. While God must remain the center of our focus—we need to study His will, character and ways—we’d be foolish to ignore what the Bible says about angels.

The Bible mentions angels and other heavenly creatures over 370 times. They appear as men. They appear in dreams. They appear in brilliance. They appear in visions. They appear in trances. They have walked and talked with men on the earth. They move at the speed of light.

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On Inauguration Day, I Heard the Sound of Lions Roaring

On Inauguration Day, I Heard the Sound of Lions Roaring

The anticipation leading up to Inauguration Day was intense. From threats of violent protests—more than were arrested and police were reportedly injured during the fray—and prophetic warnings from many leaders in the body of Christ urging prayer, it’s no wonder there was a sound of victory when Donald J. Trump officially stepped into the office of President of the United States.

But in that moment, there was more than the sound of victory—there was the sound of lions roaring in the spirit. When Trump decreed and declared so emphatically, “There should be no fear. We are protected, and we will always be protected … by the great men and women of our military and law enforcement. And most importantly, we will be protected by God” roars echoed in the spirit.

It wasn’t Trump’s roar. It wasn’t the roar of false prophets with conspiracy theories that try to wring money from your pocket with fearful predictions that offer no hope of redemption or mercy.


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The Lord Says, “I Will Have the Last Word in the Media’

The Lord Says, “I Will Have the Last Word in the Media’

I sense angels being dispatched to interrupt the prince of the power of the air’s perversion even now. Let’s keep praying.

As I was praying about what to share at Potus Shield, the convocation for a group of prophetic leaders working seek the Lord and prepare for transforming revival in our nation, Holy Spirit started talking to me about the media.

“There are many voices and none without signification, but I want My voice to be the loudest one people hear in the media. I want My voice echoed with clarity so that it will ripple through the lies of the prince of the power of the air. I want My truth to be established in every sphere of society. As the righteous ones rise up in the media world, the people who listen and read what is being proclaimed will begin to discern fact from fiction, truth from lies. They will begin to understand My perspective on the matters at hand and it will resonate in the hearts of many who are sick and tired and overwhelmed with the hopelessness and despair on the airwaves and in print. Many are looking for an alternative. Many are seeking truth. Pray that the blinders would be removed. Pray that hearts would be softened. Pray that boldness would arise even among those non-believers who have a heart for the truth. Pray and keep on praying because I intend to have My way in the media. The wicked one has infiltrated the airwaves but I will have the last word.”

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Prophecy: A Season of Disruption Will Bring an Eruption of God’s Glory

Prophecy: A Season of Disruption Will Bring an Eruption of God’s Glory

Every morning, I gather with hundreds of people to pray prophetically in our Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer calls. This was birthed out of a week-long prayer series for my devotional by the same name over two years ago.

These calls have grown increasingly prophetic in nature. So much so that I complied a CD of prophetic songs, sounds and decrees that defy impossibilities called Dream Wild from words released in those early morning devotions. Below I’m offering a transcript of one of my prayer sets. I know this will inspire and encourage you!

Shake off the despair. Toss aside the thoughts that have bound you, in Jesus’ name. It’s time to shake it off. It’s time to come up higher. It’s time to run faster toward the Lord. I break off the lethargy. I break off the apathy the enemy has tried to put upon you. I break it off, in Jesus’ mighty name.

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Prophecy: The Lord Is Raising Up Daniels in D.C.

Prophecy: The Lord Is Raising Up Daniels in D.C.

When I step into cities or nations, the Lord often almost immediately speaks to my heart about what He thinks and feels. Last week, I traveled to our nation’s capitol to speak at the convocation for Potus Shield, a council of prophets and other spiritual leaders—including Cindy Jacobs, Rick Joyner, Lou Engle and Lance Wallnau—assembling to raise up a spiritual shield in Washington, D.C.

As I sat in the cab passing by the Washington Monument, the Lord began speaking to my heart about this epic city:

Washington, oh Washington, I am doing a work in you. I am working to restore the foundations and return you to your former glory. I am rooting out corruption and I am calling you back to the integrity that once marked you. I am calling for truth and righteousness. I am calling you back to your roots by rooting out that which has defiled you. I am doing this little by little but I am doing it. I am raising up Nehemiahs that will repair the breaches and I am raising up Daniels who will interpret the signs. I am raising up those who know My heart and My will for the nation to speak into the heart of America. I am raising them up to expose, to root out, to rebuild and to restore. I am raising them up.

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Prophecy: It’s Time to Come Out of the Cave

Prophecy: It’s Time to Come Out of the Cave

During our morning prayer calls for my devotionals—Mornings With the Holy Spirit and now the brand new Evenings With the Holy Spirit—the Lord often speaks prophetically to the hundreds of people on the call. This prophetic word helped a lot of people, and I wanted to share it with you.

God has need of your voice but you’re waiting in the wings, you’re standing in the shadows, you’re sleeping in the cave. And God would say to you, “Come out of the cave, in Jesus name.” Come out of that cave that Obadiah put you in, surviving on bread and water and hiding from Jezebel. Come out of the cave, says the Lord, and be strong and courageous. Just as I told Joshua to be strong and courageous as he began to enter into a new season of his life, I would say to you today be strong and courageous.

Don’t look upon their faces, but look to Me. Look upon My face because I will give you an anointing that breaks the yoke. I will give you the strength to battle through. I will give you the strategy to conquer every enemy that stands in your way. But you must emerge from the cave.

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2017: The Year of the Next Level

2017: The Year of the Next Level

When I was driving to Orlando for Christmas, I heard the Lord say, “Next.” I started meditating on that word “next.” I looked it up on the dictionary. In other words, I pressed into what the Lord ways saying. The Lord showed me next level assignments, next level warfare and next level blessings. Our cry this year is going to be, “Next!”

Here’s what the Lord spoke to my heart: “Those who are seeing first the kingdom of God this year are going to see an acceleration. You are going to advance faster than you’ve ever advanced. You will find angelic assistance on your journey, and you will need it. One assignment will come after another. At times, you’ll have more than one assignment at the same time. The warfare will also be next level but you will defeat one enemy after another after another after another. And the blessings will come in rapid succession. Each time you finish an assignment, each time you conquer your spiritual foe, you will see new level blessings in your life. You will see it as you stand your ground, as you obey My leading and as you seek My heart.”

It’s time to step out of the ordinary into the extraordinary. It’s time to step out of our comfort zone and into the abundance zone. It’s time to step out of the past and into the next! Let’s unpack this “next” word so we can cooperate with the grace of God as the Lord releases the angels of abundant harvest.

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Is There Anything Prophetic About 2016’s ‘Leap Second’?

Is There Anything Prophetic About 2016’s ‘Leap Second’?

You’ve heard of the leap year, but what about a leap second?

The International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems has deemed it necessary to insert a leap second on New Year’s Eve. The goal is to bring the atomic clocks in sync with the earth’s rhythm. Without a leap second, our time system would eventually blow up.

“Atomic clocks are more than a million times better at keeping time than the rotation of the Earth, which fluctuates unpredictably,” explains the UK’s National Physical Laboratory. “Leap seconds are needed to prevent civil time drifting away from Earth time. Although the drift is small—taking around a thousand years to accumulate a one-hour difference—if not corrected, it would eventually result in clocks showing midday before sunrise.”

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Prophetically Speaking, 2016 Was Surreal

Prophetically Speaking, 2016 Was Surreal

Surreal. It was Merriam-Webster’s “word of the year.”

What does it mean? You may have some idea through usage, but Merriam-Webster defines surreal as “marked by the intense irrational reality of a dream.”

“We also give as its synonyms unbelievable and fantastic. It’s a relatively new word in English, and derives from surrealism, the artistic movement of the early 1900s that attempted to depict the unconscious mind in dreamlike ways as “above” or “beyond” reality,” M-W editor Peter Sokolowski reports. “Surreal itself dates to the 1930s, and was first defined in a Merriam-Webster dictionary in 1967.

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Prophecy: It’s Time to Leave Your Past in the Dust

Prophecy: It’s Time to Leave Your Past in the Dust

In his classic novel A Tale of Two Cities, British writer Charles Dickens opened his books with words that I can relate to: “It was the best of times, it was the worst of times.” I don’t know about you, but that describes my 2016.

There were tremendous breakthroughs, but there was also tremendous warfare. There were many new kingdom relationships formed, but some were also lost to spiritual combat. There were many new doors of opportunity, but there was also tremendous pressure! I’ve learned we do more spiritual growing during the hard times than we do during the easy times—and God is faithful.

Every year at this time I look back on the last 12 months. I take account of the good times and the bad times—I thank God. And then I declare that the coming year is going to be my year! As part of this process, though, I am also careful to leave the past in the past. I know if I want to freely walk through the divine doors God is setting before me I need to leave the pain of the past season behind. See, I take God at His Word:

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Did 2016’s Prophetic Words Ring True?

Did 2016’s Prophetic Words Ring True?

In the days and weeks ahead, prophetic voices around the world will release prophecies for 2017. You'll read a handful of them on the “Prophetic Insight” section of charismamag.com. I already released mine about the angels of abundant harvest.

But before we charge ahead to weigh prophetic mandates, directives and warnings for 2017, let's take a minute to look back at the prophetic words declared over 2016. After all, you can't always limit God's words to a 12-month timeline.

As I've said before, it's possible that some 2016 prophecies won't be relevant for years and others will remain relevant for years to come. So, again, before we move on to the next new prophetic word, let's review what prophetic voices declared last year and respond according to His Spirit.

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5 More Important Prophetic Ministry Protocols

5 More Important Prophetic Ministry Protocols

Prophecy is a vital ministry in the body of Christ. Every believer can prophesy and some do, but many struggle to discern the voice of the Lord. Many others do not understand simple protocols for prophetic ministry because they have not been rightly trained, despite the Ephesians 4:11 mandate for five-fold prophets to equip the saints for the work for the ministry.

In my Issachar Institute’s School of the Prophets earlier this month, we discussed prophetic protocols and guidelines. I shared with you in the past 10 important prophetic ministry protocols and many rogue prophets went into attack mode suggesting protocols are not in the Bible. I would urge any of those who take that stance to read 1 Corinthians 14, where you’ll discover Paul setting order in a church where the gifts were flowing freely but maturity was sometimes lacking.

God is not a God of confusion but of peace (1 Corinthians 14:33). Prophetic operations without protocol can often generate confusion, chaos and even damage people’s faith. Prophets are oracles and mouthpieces for God, yet some of what comes out of people’s mouths in His name can be self-willed, self-promotional witchcraft. We must be willing to submit our prophetic ministry to elders for accountability, especially when the word may cause shock or stir people in the body.

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Merry Apocalypse: False Prophetic Voice Predicts World Will End Before 2017

Merry Apocalypse: False Prophetic Voice Predicts World Will End Before 2017

It’s the end of the world as we know it. Or at least that’s what one Christian scientist is insisting.

Her prognostication concludes 6,000 of sin is almost over—and that Christ will return for His glorious bride before 2016 is over. Nora Roth shares her false prophetic insights on The Mark of the Beast explained blog.

This conspiracy theory fodder is based in massively complex calculations about God’s clocks of the sevens.

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False Prophet Makes Ill Victims Drink Disinfectant for Miracle Healing

False Prophet Makes Ill Victims Drink Disinfectant for Miracle Healing

Call it a trend. I read earlier this week about a South African pastor who sprays his congregants with insecticide in the name of curing what ails them. Health authorities have intervened but apparently a false prophet down the street didn't get the message.

“Prophet” Rufus Phala encouraged his church members drink Dettol, a disinfectant, in order to receive a healing. That’s according to Punch. In case you aren’t familiar, Dettol is a liquid antiseptic and disinfectant that has the potential to cause lethal toxicity.

“I know Dettol is harmful, but God instructed me to use it,” the false prophet said in a video South Africa’s Daily Sun ran. “I was the first one to drink it.”

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