Oct 9, 2020 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
The spirit of Jezebel is releasing subtle attacks on prophetic voices—by targeting the throat. The throat is home to your vocal cords, so when witchcraft—the power of the enemy—is targeted at your throat it becomes difficult to release your voice. Instead of a strong,...
Oct 8, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
A rumble will ripple through Asia. There’s the simultaneous sound of the rumbling of war and the rumbling or revival. The praying church will determine what manifests in the earth in this hour. Let me be clear. I heard the Lord say, “A rumble will ripple through...
Oct 7, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
I’ve written about it, but I’ve never seen it manifest through people. Indeed, it’s an ancient spirit not seen manifesting through people too often in our days, though I have seen it manifest in atmospheres. It’s the siren spirit. I wrote about this in my book, The...
Sep 22, 2020 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Be warned. The Holy Spirit told me the spirit of betrayal has been loosed in the earth. This spirit is crafty and can only stab you in the back after it has walked beside you long enough to earn your trust. This shouldn’t surprise us. Jesus spoke of an end-times...
Sep 19, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
While governmental intercessors have been rising up to pray for the 2020 elections in the States, some prayer warriors stay out of politics altogether. With the passing of Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsberg on Sept. 18—and a monumental Election Day that is only...
Sep 16, 2020 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Intercessors are on God’s heart. Although apostles and prophets are the foundation of the church, in this season God is intent on raising up the next generation of intercessors. Mike Bickle taught me to discover what God is doing in any generation and get on board....
Sep 11, 2020 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
I heard the Lord say, “I am calling forth the intercessory influencers to make a mark in the spirit realm that the enemy can’t ignore. He will bow at the sound of your voices in the name of Christ. I am calling forth intercessory influencers who will decree My Word in...
Sep 4, 2020 | False Prophets Watch, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
All rock star prophets aren’t false prophets, but rock star prophets could be compromised by celebrity status. I’ve met a number of them. They don’t even have to have celebrity status to act like rock stars. In this video, Jennifer unmasks the rock...
Sep 3, 2020 | False Prophets Watch, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
There’s witchcraft and then there’s extreme prophetic witchcraft.Extreme prophetic witchcraft is rising rapidly in the church. I set out to speak with experts on the topic to help believers avoid deception.In this video, we pull the mast off deep...
Sep 2, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Jennifer LeClaire has taken up the challenge of dealing with the false in the Church. The Bible talks about false Apostles, Prophets, Teachers and even false Christs. It takes great wisdom to deal with a certain false thing in the Church without causing the reader to...
Aug 31, 2020 | False Prophets Watch, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
I’ve been troubled in my spirit for some time over what I call the “monthly prophecy trend.” We see prophets—and even those who don’t claim to be prophets—releasing a brand-spanking new shiny happy prophetic word chock full of super-duper life-changing promises each...
Aug 25, 2020 | False Prophets Watch, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Dear Wolves in Sheep’s Clothing, A growing number of people in the Body of Christ see you. The Holy Spirit is opening our eyes to your prophetic witchcraft and the motive behind it. We have our eyes on you and we won’t fall for your slick brand of deception anymore....
Aug 17, 2020 | False Prophets Watch, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
While doing a Facebook live on rock star prophets, the Holy Spirit suddenly came over me and I began to prophesy some bold words. As you’ll read below, the Holy Spirit is grieved with the level of prophetic witchcraft in the Body of Christ. Although the true prophetic...
Aug 7, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
As part of the Awakening Digital World Tour, we stopped in South Africa. I have a strong affinity for South Africa and many prayer warriors aligned with us there. Admittedly, I am not a student of revival in South Africa and only learned of the revival history after...
Aug 5, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
Listen in to this critical prophetic message and prayer strategy for the nations. Watch the video above.
Aug 5, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
During the Prophetic Awakening—a critical message for the Body of Christ—we cried out to God in repentance and for the nations. (You can watch the replay here.) Toward the end of the meeting, the Lord kept speaking to me about 90 days. I pondered that until He showed...
Jul 27, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
It’s a time of resignations and a season of chaotic transitions. We’ll see serious resignations through at least the first half of next year. Some of these resignations will be necessary. Some will come in the wake of enemy setups through tactics such as false...
Jul 16, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
As part of the Awakening Digital World Tour, the Lord is speaking to me in prayer about man nations. One of our first stops is Sweden, a nation I’ve ministered in before. In 2018, the Lord spoke to me about an apostolic-prophetic prayer strategy to see revival...
Jul 15, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
North Point Ministries, one of the nation’s most mega megachurches, is suspending in-person worship for the rest of 2020 over coronavirus concerns. Located in Atlanta, North Point has seven locations in the region. The campuses host over 30,000 believers for Sunday...
Jun 25, 2020 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
I was preaching about the 2 Kings 7 lepers who found food, gold and clothing in the Syrian camp in the midst of a famine at Awakening House of Prayer in Ft. Lauderdale. As I was sharing the story, it dawned on me they were outcasts. In that moment, the spirit of...
Jun 23, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
God is moving in the nations—and He has revival in mind. On June 14, I prophesied about the Holy Spirit brooding over Argentina at Awakening House of Prayer. A few days later, on my morning prayer broadcast, the Lord spoke to me about visiting Fiji in a “spectacular”...
Jun 19, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
The Holy Spirit is brooding over Argentina. That’s what He told me as I was driving to my church, Awakening House of Prayer, in South Florida. But He didn’t stop there. The Lord showed me He wants to revisit Argentina with revival. He told me He’s just waiting for the...
Jun 19, 2020 | False Prophets Watch, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
The end of the world has been predicted on numerous past occasions but conspiracy theorists believe the latest prediction could be the real deal. Purveyors of doomsday conspiracy theories, who previously claimed the world would end on December 21, 2012, have now said...
Jun 11, 2020 | End-Times Insight, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Many Christians across the globe wait for the day of the Second Coming when Jesus Christ is prophesied to return and establish his kingdom on Earth. According to Paul Begley, an evangelist from West Lafayette in Indiana, US, the signs of the Second Coming could...
Jun 2, 2020 | Dreams & Visions, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Caught up in the spirit during prayer, I saw a road in the spirit—a pathway. As I kept on looking I noticed something curious. Crosses were laying on the ground. One after another, I saw crosses strewn along this narrow path. Just then, the Holy Spirit gave me an...
May 27, 2020 | End-Times Insight, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
He’s the son of a pastor and grew up in church, but you may know him as the frontman of Hawk Nelson. Jon Steingard just renounced Jesus Christ, the latest in a string of high profile Christians who are publicly turning away from the Lord. Steingard used Instagram as...
May 20, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
Chinese doctors are seeing the coronavirus manifest differently among patients in its new cluster of cases in the northeast region compared to the original outbreak in Wuhan, suggesting that the pathogen may be changing in unknown ways and complicating efforts to...
May 19, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
I am not a conspiracy prophet. I’m not a doom and gloom prophet. I still believe what the Lord told me in 2007—we’re going to see a Third Great Awakening in America. Unfortunately, before that happens it’s going to grow darker—just like the Lord told me it would. The...
May 15, 2020 | Dreams & Visions, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
Trances are not merely the domain of shamans, New Agers, and DJs with pumping beats. A trance is not hypnosis, although hypnotized people do experience a trancelike state. Trances are not relegated to the realm of witches and warlocks, though these dark agents do use...
May 14, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
On April 23, the Holy Spirit showed me China is hiding information that needs to be released in the next 30 days—information that could impact the next 30 years. The Holy Spirit described this as “shocking information.” This information has been kept under wraps...
May 12, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
We need to put our shields up, Cindy Jacobs says. On April 17, I released a prophetic word about domestic terror lurking behind the covid-19 veil. Behind the scenes of hubbub around a contagion that has much of the world on lock down, self-sheltering and social...
May 7, 2020 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight
Nearly a year ago, Cindy Jacobs released a sobering prophetic word about a spirit of violence unleashed in the earth. We’ve seen the fruit of that, and in some unexpected ways. Who thought there would be violent incidents over toilet paper stocks in retail stores amid...