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“11 Tell-Tale Signs of the Coming Move of God”
When seeking the Lord concerning the year 2020 and beyond, I was excited to hear the Lord say to me that the coming year is “20/20, the Year of Perfect Vision!” The Lord is proclaiming this statement over the Body of Christ, right now. He began to talk to me concerning the ability of the Holy Spirit to give us spiritual discernment to see clearly in these last days. I was reminded of the prayer that the Apostle Paul prayed for the church at Ephesus:

Cindy Jacobs Prophesies Comfort to the Stressed
Recently, as I've talked to many people, I have seen that the stress levels seem to be off the charts right now. And the Lord says, "I don't want you to get distressed in the time of stress, for there is pressure internally, and there's pressure externally. As you...
A New Year Declaration for 2020 | Living a Prophetic Life

Opening Heaven Over Your City
I believe we are entering an apostolic era when open heavens are going to break wide open over cities. There will be teaching, revelation, expression, and experiencing of this on a scale unseen at least since New Testament days, if ever. Homes, families,...

Christians and the Trance Realm
Trances are not merely the domain of shamans, New Agers, and DJs with pumping beats. A trance is not hypnosis, although hypnotized people do experience a trancelike state. Trances are not relegated to the realm of witches and warlocks, though these dark agents do use...

The Prophet: Overcoming the Rejection Syndrome
Sensitive by Nature We prophetic people come in all shapes and sizes, and our upbringing and personal experiences vary widely. But in my view, many of us tend to be more sensitive by nature, which may make us better prophets, but which may also make any form of...

God is Establishing Covenant Promises by Faith in 5780
The Lord gave me a prophetic dream for Hebrew New Year 5780 concerning the decade of “Pey” which is the Hebrew letter for the number 80, a symbol that has the appearance of a “mouth”.

8 Proclamations for 5780 & Beyond
Often at the head of the new Hebrew year, the Holy Spirit speaks concerning things to come. As I have prayed and sought the face of God, I have been given a series of revelations concerning the new era we have entered as of 5780 and beyond. In this period of time, we are not just crossing from one year to the next, but from one era or decade to the next.
I have chosen the title “8 Proclamations for 5780 & Beyond.” Let me unpack this one phrase at a time. 8, of course, is the number of a new beginning. 5 is the number of grace and 7 is the number of completion. So, by grace we are completing past assignments and we are moving into a new decade in the Kingdom of God. We are crossing over from one side of the river where promises are revealed to the other side where promises are manifested.
I agree with others that we are shifting from an emphasis of the “Year of the Eye” to the “Year of the Mouth.” But since my expertise is not in Hebrew numeric symbolic interpretation, I feel to stay in my lane of prophetic teaching, encounter and revelation. With that in mind, here are the proclamations I have been granted.

Prophecy: As Scotland Goes, So Goes the United Kingdom
The United Kingdom is under spiritual siege.The enemy is deploying divisionary tactics across Europe to split the prophetic voice with volatile political issues. Strife is looking to land and bring confusion and every evil work. While I was flying over Scotland on a...

Prophecy: Berlin is the Backstop
“Berlin is the backstop.” I heard those words as I stood on a stage at a prophetic conference in Berlin in late September. In that moment, I had no real understanding as to what those words meant. As I prayed and studied, light came. A backstop can mean many things,...

It Is Finished! Break Forth Into the New!
The Lord says, “This will be a week that you hear Me say ‘It is Finished’ over many issues. Listen carefully, for there are emotional entanglements that you have over which I will say, ‘It is Finished!’ There are losses you’ve experienced over which I will say, ‘It is Finished.’ There are hurts and wounds you have had over which I will say, ‘You have been healed.

A Wave of Travail Will Usher in the Greatest Move of God
For the last year or so, the Lord has been speaking to me about the fear of the Lord being restored to the Church, which has led me to believe the fear of the Lord will be and is being restored to the Church in this new era.

I Hear the Sound of Your Sudden Breakthrough!
Recently, I have had some significant moments of divine encounters, during my prayer times, where the Father has been speaking to me repeatedly about breakthrough and birthing.

Shields Up! Prayer Alert for Iran and the Middle East
In the beginning of July, I sent out a word that I was very concerned that the situation in Iran could potentially escalate into a third world war – or at least a Middle Eastern regional war – which we and our allies could get pulled into.

Prophecy: I Am Raising Up a New Breed of Deliverance Ministers
I’ve been casting out devils for nearly 20 years, but recently the Holy Spirit spoke to me about a season of deliverance for Awakening House of Prayer. I taught for weeks on freedom for the soul, held an inner healing event, a mass deliverance event and committed to raising up deliverance ministers through the School of Deliverance.
Put another way, I’ve been pressing into what the Holy Spirit spoke to my heart. While on a Facebook Live about reasons more pastors don’t embrace deliverance ministry—right at the end of the broadcast—I had an unction to prophesy. I heard the Lord say:
“I am raising up even now, in your midst, a new generation and a new breed of deliverance ministers. And they will be bold like lions. They will not shrink back nor will they be intimidated by the tactics of the enemy. For I am putting new mantles on my deliverance ministers who are willing to take the tough cases; who are willing to go where others will not venture.
“And I am going to give them new revelations and new flows of My anointing. New rivers will flow out of them as I pour My anointing into them. And they will see even clearly inside bodies what is going on, where the stronghold is. They will see the names of the demons even written in the spirit, like the handwriting that was written on the wall in the days of Daniel.
“And they will cooperate one with another; they will become companies of deliverance ministers who will run together. They will share intelligence, and they will cooperate with one another for My glory. For there will not be a strong competition in the realm of deliverance as we see even now in the realm of the apostolic and in the realm of the prophetic, because these ministers have set themselves apart and they understand the need for clean hands and a pure heart.
“So, they will celebrate with one another and celebrate each other and they will relish over the victories over the kingdom of darkness together. And they will network together, not in the sense of building their own kingdom, but in order to share the stories of glory from My Spirit in the realm of deliverance.
“I am doing a new thing in deliverance ministry. Have you not yet heard about it? Well, I am announcing it to you even now in a bold way. Begin to watch and begin to pray. But also, know and recognize, that many will come and try to take this new mantle—this new time and season of deliverance ministers rising up—as a fad and a trend. And they will try to hook their wagon to the greater wagon and try to use the momentum of the tide and the flow that I am bringing to the body of Christ.
“But, they will not carry the authority because their heart is compromised. They will not carry the authority that the pure ones do because they are not in it for the right reasons, and they will end up like the sons of Sceva because I don’t know these ones—not the way that I need to know them—because they kept part of their heart back from Me. And watch as the false deliverers arise, needing deliverance themselves. And you will see and know that I will sweep through the body of Christ and I will do a new thing in deliverance ministry in this hour.”

God Is Giving You New Shoes of Authority – to Run Your Race & Accelerate Your Assignment
On January 1, 2019, the Lord gave me a beautiful prophetic dream for the Church which I feel led to share now. I feel that the significance of sharing this important dream, at this time, is to release an encouragement to those who feel they have unfulfilled prophetic destinies they’ve been believing for this year and beyond.