
Defeating Doubt’s Destructive Power

I needed a healing. I had several “medical conditions” in my physical body that manifested in a string of strange ways. The root of it was a whacked out sympathetic nervous system that caused my heart to beat too fast and my blood pressure to rise up to the point that...

Can Today’s Prophetic Ministry Save this Economy?

Guest article by Marc T. May International economic crisis demands that prophets prepare themselves to move beyond personal prophecy into marketplace authority. Recession and economic uncertainty is all around us. Wall Street panics every time The Dow Jones Industrial...

The Unsung Revolutionary Prophets

Paul Revere gets plenty of glory for his role in the American Revolution. Our history books depict the emboldened Bostonian straddling his stallion as he rides furiously to warn Samuel Adams and John Hancock that British troops were marching to arrest them. We’ve seen...

Soothing Rhythms of Grace

If you’ve ever been weary, you are in good company. Moses grew weary of holding up his hands when the Israelites battled the Amalekites (Exodus 17:11-13). Job grew weary in the midst of his heart wrenching trial (Job 10:1). And David grew so weary with his groaning...

My Interview with Reinhard Bonnke

Living a life of fire… that's just what Reinhard Bonnke is doing. In this issue of The Voice, you’ll catch the Gospel fire in an exclusive interview with Reinhard Bonnke and explore America’s slide into socialism with Senator Jim DeMint. You can download the...

Palin Pick Shocking, Bold, Risky and Historic

Sarah Palin was not expecting to be chosen as Sen. John McCain’s vice presidential running mate. Few were. But the Alaska governor chose to accept the party’s call to duty and in doing so sent shock waves through the presidential race. “This pick was a shock, maybe...

Faith to Overcome Temptation

Is your faith strong enough to overcome temptation? In his letter to the Thessalonians, Paul was concerned about the faith of his spiritual sons and daughters. He longed to visit them, but Satan thwarted him more than once. So he sent faithful Timothy to see how they...

Are You Praying for Your Nation?

“I exhort therefore, that, first of all, supplications, prayers, intercessions, and giving of thanks, be made for all men; For kings, and for all that are in authority; that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty.” (1 Timothy 2:1-2) I...

Are You a Modern-Day Wise Man?

When Jesus was born in Bethlehem three wise men came from the east to Jerusalem looking for the King of Glory. They saw His star in the east and they came to worship Immanuel, God with us (Matthew 2:1-2). There’s something notable about this passage of Scripture....

Does the President Need a Prophet?

I was reading about a book that suggested the president of the United States should be looking for a prophet to get God’s instructions to run the nation. This didn’t sit right with my spirit and here’s why: Believers need to be equipped to hear from God themselves. In...

Doubtless: Faith that Overcomes the World

My new book is finally out. It’s called Doubtless: Faith that Overcomes the Word. Doubt is more than a mindset that prevents us from casting the proverbial mountain into the sea. It’s the doorway to unbelief. It’s the cousin of fear and suspicion that blocks faith and...

Kathryn Kuhlman on Faith

Kathryn Kuhlman has made such a major impact on my life. She was a woman of miracles; but she was first a woman of faith. Consider her own words: “Volumes have been written, more volumes have been spoken regarding that indefinable something called ‘faith.’ Yet in the...

Message to the Slumbering Church

I read this in the Christian Post: “The other day I heard a well-meaning Bible-prophecy radio minister trying to use a very cryptic Bible text to prove that a recent series of terrorist attacks in Israel were specifically predicted in Scripture! These guys read the...

Fighting Off the Spirit of Fear

What about your legacy? Will you stand in the face of fear no matter what form it takes? Or will you allow this wicked spirit to outmaneuver you? We must learn to recognize fear at its onset – and we have to overcome or it will overcome us. Maybe you are like me....

Fear’s Failing Excuses

The Bible says: “There is no fear in love [dread does not exist], but full-grown (complete, perfect) love turns fear out of doors and expels every trace of terror! For fear brings with it the thought of punishment, and [so] he who is afraid has not reached the full...

Avoiding Saul’s Fearful Fate

In our last post, we saw that Eve’s fear of God keeping something good from her caused her to disobey God. Let’s strip out the storytelling and say it this way: Fear leads you into disobedience. Need another witness? Fear caused Saul to disobey God’s established...

Is Fear Robbing Your Kingship?

In the last post, we looked at Saul’s fearful disobedience. That leads me to the next strategy of fear: irresponsibility. The same fear that tempted us to disobey will also try to convince us to blame the disobedience on another person or on circumstances. In that...

Deliverance from the Spirit of Fear, Part I

Over the course of this week, we’re going to be looking at the master spirit of fear. This is the opposite force of faith, and robs you from the promise of God in your life. Fear also has torment. It torments your soul and wreaks havoc on your physical body. I am on a...

Identifying the “Fear Of”

Yesterday, we identified fear’s role in the fall of man. Most people have a “fear of” something, but most people don’t have a “fear of” everything. It is possible to be full of faith in one area and full of fear in another.  I speak from experience. Many...

Fear’s First Manifestation

So let’s go back to the very beginning and look at fear’s first manifestation. We learn in Genesis 3:1 that the serpent (through whom the devil was speaking) was subtler than any beast of the field which the Lord God had made. He demonstrated that subtlety with his...

Deliverance from the Spirit of Fear, Part II

God has not given us a spirit of fear. So why do we fear? Where did fear first manifest in the soul of man? Like many other problems that plague mankind today, fear can be traced all the way back to the Garden of Eden. Fear’s first manifestation comes shortly before...

Pray to Expose the New World Order

A New World Order is working to crush the Western economies and usher in a one world government. I know this sounds crazy, but it’s documented. Do a Google search and get informed from reputable sources and watch this YouTube video. This not about Obama. It doesn’t...

The Prophesied Great Awakening

On April 21, 2007, the Lord woke me up at midnight to offer up the words in the next paragraphs below. It appears we didn’t move fast enough. What will we do now? The answer to all of the world’s woes is for the sleeping giant that is the Church to rise up and take...
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