When God Overlooks You for a Spiritual Promotion

When God Overlooks You for a Spiritual Promotion

Whether in the world of work or the work of the ministry, everybody likes to feel appreciated for a job well done. But some strive, scratch and claw for promotion. There’s nothing fundamentally wrong about hoping God notices your faithfulness, increases your...
Will the Real Ahab Please Stand Up?

Will the Real Ahab Please Stand Up?

We talk a lot about Jezebel, but this wicked principality relies on Ahabs to maximize its authority and propagate its immorality and idolatry. King Ahab isn’t who many spiritual warriors have made him out to be. There’s no lack of checklists online that...
Why I’m Praying God-Mockers Start Praying in Tongues

Why I’m Praying God-Mockers Start Praying in Tongues

I’ll admit it. The first time I saw people praying in tongues, it completely freaked me out. It actually scared me! It was 1993. I was interning at a Christian television station. Before going live on the air, the producers, cameramen, on-air talent and others...
What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

What to Do When You Feel Like Giving Up

Open your ears, God, to my prayer; don’t pretend you don’t hear me knocking. Come close and whisper your answer. I really need you. I shudder at the mean voice, quail before the evil eye, as they pile on the guilt, stockpile angry slander. My insides are...
5 More Rude Things People Do in Church

5 More Rude Things People Do in Church

J. Lee Grady last week compiled a list of the “Top 10 Rudest Things People Do in Church.” He mentioned talking during a service, texting or surfing the web, sleeping, clipping fingernails during church (I’ve actually seen this one and it grossed me...
Silencing the Slanderous Accuser of the Brethren

Silencing the Slanderous Accuser of the Brethren

I’ve faced my fair share of slander from the accuser of the brethren. Sometimes it comes through religious spirits that type 50 words per minute and rip off an email without considering the spirit in which they're written. Other times it comes through...
Who’s Getting Rich With the Get-Rich-Quick Gospel?

Who’s Getting Rich With the Get-Rich-Quick Gospel?

Get-rich-quick schemes, er, programs are a dime a dozen—but they’ll leave you with empty pockets and plenty of useless products if you buy into them. And the get-rich-quick gospel may cost you a little more. You may remember the question-mark-suit-wearing...
Burning the Bridges to Your Past

Burning the Bridges to Your Past

When I was a small child, my grandmother used to read me Bible stories—and not from books with large letters and colorful cartoons. I’m talking about King James Version stories from her tear-stained, oversized, white leather-bound Bible. As I was so young,...
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