Praying the News with Jennifer LeClaire
Praying the News with Jennifer LeClaire
Will the April 8 Eclipse Bring Disaster on America? (Episode 060)


Listen in to what Perry Stone has to say. (Listen to the podcast.)

I appreciate Perry’s wisdom here. We are hidden with Christ in God spiritually, and we need to be prepared naturally. I live in South Florida and have to be prepared every hurricane season with water and food. On top of this, it’s wisdom these days to be prepared in case of cyber attacks and supply chain disruptions. 

Let’s listen in to what Launch Wallnau shared. (Listen to the podcast.)

Lance always has strong insight and I agree with him. There’s more here than meets the eye and this goes deeper than what most people understand. 

Could this eclipse speak of a civil war? Again, time will tell.

I will say this: The signs of the times are all around us. We need to live like Jesus is coming back tomorrow. We need to be about the Father’s business. We need to share the gospel. We need to be the salt and light. 

So how do we pray?

Pray that God will show mercy on America.

Pray for a spirt of repentance to fall upon the nation.

Pray the church will rise up and preach the truth in love.

Pray that America will continue to stand with Israel to reap blessings.

Just pray.

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Until next time, this is Jennifer LeClaire singing off. Keep praying the news.

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