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The Inevitable Change and What It Will Bring
Change is something that must happen. Change is inevitable! Change will bring joy! Change will bring pain! We’re living in a season where the change that’s happening will be for our good. The change taking place shall produce fruit for the season ahead. In my time alone with the Lord, I believe He showed me what this season of change will look like.

Strategies for the New Chapter in Your Life
Recently I heard the Lord say, "A time of unprecedented change is before My people. A new chapter is before them." I then had a vision of heavenly books being opened. These books outlined the plans the Lord had for His people. Some books were for individuals, others...

How to Enter a New Time Gate and Era
At Passover the Lord began to speak some things to me. Passover is one of the three God feasts (the other two are Pentecost and Tabernacles), where God tells the men they are to appear before Him (Exodus 34:23, Deuteronomy 16:16). God doesn’t call you before Him unless He has something to say, so many consider these three feasts import times to listen for revelation from God.

Time of the Shifting of the Nations
The Valley of Decision Many prophets, intercessors and key leaders across the global Body of Christ all agree that we are in a critical time which the prophet Joel spoke of, declaring, "Multitudes are in the valley of decision..." (Joel 3:14). Could it be that there...

Your Fiery Trials Are Equipping You for Revival
Upon arising the other morning, the Lord spoke to me and said, “There is a Credence Clearwater Revival just ahead and is happening now!” He then told me to look these words up and share what He is about to do!

A Vision of the Bride on Trial
The Spirit of the Lord is calling His Bride to draw near, in this eighth month, like never before. Eight is the number of new beginnings and the Spirit of the Lord is inviting His Bride into a new day where she is filled and being filled with the wonder and awe of His...

Prophetic Word: ‘It’s Time to Take a Risk’
I was praying for my friends and people in the body of Christ, and the Lord quickly gave me this word: It's time to take a risk. The Holy Spirit says that there are many occasions that you have in your life where you are playing it safe. Sometimes it is good to play...

Treasures of Darkness and Hidden Riches Are Ready to Be Given
“And I will give thee the treasures of darkness, and hidden riches of secret places, that thou mayest know that I, the LORD, which call thee by thy name, am the God of Israel.” (Isaiah 45:3 KJV)

The Generations Are Aligning! Press Through Your Narrow Place!
Dear Pressing Ones: This is a time when we must aggressively press through the narrow place so we break through and go the distance! Sunday's service was an amazing example of the generations aligning. Not only did we have an on-fire group of youth returning from...

Daughters of God, Your New Beginning Is Here!
Unraveling and Revealing Recently I heard the Lord say, "Daughters of God, your new beginning is here." From this statement I sensed, strongly, the Lord's heart to encourage you, His daughters. A decree from Heaven surrounded me, declaring a new beginning over you! A...

“Renewal Is Coming and Old Things Are Passing Away”
In the month of August, the Father says over you, “Your days of washing your nets and catching nothing are over. Business as usual and the status quo of defeat are now swept out of the way in advance of the proceeding word that I bring over your life this very moment.
“I Want to Tell You the Answer to EVERYTHING”
Many of you have been in a season where you feel like your dreams are over and no matter what you do, you keep running into disappointment. Many of you also feel like there is a pruning going on. You see and discern so much that is happening in the Body of Christ...

God is Giving This State Keys of Authority
The other night as I was worshiping, I saw a very clear vision of a map of the state of Texas, and the Lord was hovering a magnifying glass over it. I felt instantly that He was brooding over it because it was birthing something significant and mighty – something He...

Hearing God’s voice

Prepare for What is Coming Your Way
In this season of supernatural acceleration I heard the Lord say, "Pick your fights wisely." We are in a season of unprecedented acceleration and the opportunities for harvest are great. So watch out for the diversionary tactics of the enemy as he tries to draw you...

What the Lord Revealed for the Next 3 Months
A Releasing of What Has Been Stolen In this past month of July, I have had many encounters with the Lord, but I have also had many moments of intense battle and warring in my spirit. I have experienced the loss of things that were stolen from me. During this time, I...