Mar 29, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
In my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I saw people walking in circles—but the Lord wants them to advance. People are walking in circles and seeing unwanted cycles in their lives—but the Lord wants to bring breakthrough. I heard the Lord say: “It’s time...
Mar 28, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Spiritual abuse is running rampant in the church. Victims of abusive church authority structures may not even realize what they are enduring until they escape its grip. Spiritual abuse is often subtle. Christian cult leaders don’t always operate like Jim Jones....
Mar 28, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
On my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I heard the Lord say: It is not My will for you to walk around with your head hung low. My will for you is to walk around with your head looking up because your redemption draws nigh. It comes from heavenly places....
Mar 26, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
During my Mornings With the Holy Spirit broadcast, the Lord revealed the enemy wants you to think you’ve had a mega downgrade. The devil wants you to think if you put that thing on the altar that God is asking you to put on the altar, you’re going to be lose something...
Mar 24, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
During my Mornings with the Holy Spirit broadcast, the Lord showed me many in the Body of Christ are about to enter into their Promised Land. There’s been a season in the wilderness—but they are about to enter their Promised Land. If that’s you, read on. Here what you...
Mar 22, 2018 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
We need to start paying attention to what we’re thinking about and the origin of those thoughts. We need to be quicker to listen to the inner talk going on in our souls. When we do, we’ll start to notice demonic strategies against our lives.
Mar 21, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
On my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, the Lord showed me people in boats on rivers. Then I began to prophesy: The Lord would say to you today: “Some of you have been in a boat with people who are rowing in the opposite direction. You’re trying to row...
Mar 19, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
In my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I prophesied these words of hope and life: “You’ve never been this way before, but I have. You’ve never known it before, but I have,” says God. “I want to bring you into that place, so be willing to step out....
Mar 17, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The Lord shows me He is requiring to step out in faith to a new thing in this season—and stepping out in faith to a new thing demands putting something on the altar that was important to you. It means putting something on the altar that your identity may be wrapped up...
Mar 9, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Are you praying earnestly? fervently? effectively? Are you praying at all? If ever there was a time when our nation needed prayer, when your friends and family need prayer, it’s now. Look around you and you’ll see prayer needs everywhere. Prayer changes...
Mar 7, 2018 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
If you are confused about your purpose, let this word of the Lord prophesy encouragement to your heart. The Lord would say: “Press into Me and I will unveil it to you. Press into My heart at a deeper level. Stop trying to figure it out in your own mind. It’s not in...
Mar 1, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Feeling oppressed? Emotions going haywire? Pain your body? It may not be you. It may be an intercessory prayer burden. You need to learn how to distinguish between your emotions and the Lord’s emotions for people and other people’s emotions that require...
Feb 28, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
I, Myself, will help you. Don’t allow bitterness and don’t allow resentment to invade your heart and steal your blessing. Don’t allow these wrong emotions to come in and overtake you. But, let My spirit overtake you, says the Lord, because I, Myself, will provide for...
Feb 26, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
This prophetic word will encourage your heart. The Lord says: I have a plan. Don’t you think I have a plan? Whatever it is you’re going through; whatever it is you are facing, I have a plan. I have a plan and My plans are perfect, and My plans are thorough! I don’t...
Feb 25, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
You’ve heard of power evangelists—and you know that intercession paves the way for successful propagation of the gospel. Look for the rise of power intercessors. When I was in Knoxville recently, the Lord began to talk to me about power gifts in the five-fold. We hear...
Feb 13, 2018 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
James 5:16 assures us: “The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working].” But why aren’t you getting prayer answers? Could it be possible you are praying the wrong type of prayer?...
Feb 6, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Intercessors, it’s time to throw Jezebel off the wall. But you can’t throw Jezebel off the wall if you don’t dwell on the wall. Intercessors who live on the wall of intercession—those watch and pray day and night, night and day—gain a position of authority to throw...
Dec 14, 2017 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The enemy doesn’t want you to pray in tongues. He doesn’t want you to build yourself up in your most holy faith (Jude 20). He doesn’t want you to unlock mysteries over your life. Don’t fall for one of these big fat lies! Honestly, praying in...
Dec 8, 2017 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Resist fear and pray with boldness! By Jennifer LeClaire I still remember the fear striking my heart every Friday night. Corporate intercession before service was mandatory for leaders in the church, and I dreaded every minute of it. The woman of God who headed prayer...
Dec 2, 2017 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Stay engaged and in formation with the army of God! By Jennifer LeClaire We’re in a season of war and we need all the spiritual warriors in formation. But the Holy Spirit has shown me that some have broken rank. I got this insight while on an intercessory prayer...
Nov 30, 2017 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Feeling oppressed? Emotions going haywire? Pain your body? It may not be you. It may be an intercessory prayer burden. You need to learn how to distinguish between your emotions and the Lord's emotions for people and other people's emotions that require...
Nov 15, 2017 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
In this season, I've seen a rise of Christians practicing witchcraft. Or maybe they aren't Christians at all. I won't judge someone's salvation, but when people in church release word curses, pray against you, and conduct unholy fasts to...
Oct 20, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
“I am raising up radical spiritual warriors who will operate in radical obedience and press past radical enemy assignments against radical breakthrough.” That’s one line from a prophetic word the Lord recently shared with my heart. Your...
Oct 10, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Before you set out to battle, you need a battle plan. It starts with understanding your enemy, understanding your God, and understanding who you are in Him. We must understand out enemy. Paul admonished us not to be ignorant of the devil's devices (2 Cor. 2:11)....
Sep 27, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
To everything there is a season—and this is the season where witchcraft gets heavy, demonic imaginations target minds and infirmities inflict bodies. Of course, Jezebel and her witchcrafts can creep onto the scene any time of the year. But every single October for as...
Sep 23, 2017 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
In this season, people from around the world are contacting me about the rising spiritual warfare. The Holy Spirit gave me three prophet words about spiritual warfare that I hope encourage you in the battle. You can read them below. I want to remind you that my School...
Sep 15, 2017 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Jehovah Nissi deployed both Esther and Deborah to demolish the enemy’s plans to kill, steal and destroy His people at strategic times in the nation’s history. Esther stood in prayer and fasting that I believe unleased the heavenly host to execute...
Aug 17, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Paul warns us to cast down vain imaginations and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Put another way, we need to discern the demonic creepers that sneak into our thought life. In this Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I...
Jul 21, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Have you run into an undercover angel? Can you sense the presence of angels you cannot see?Angels remain invisible unless the Lord chooses to reveal them. Hebrews 13:2 tells us plainly, “Do not forget to entertain strangers, for thereby some have...
Jul 12, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
When I first got saved, my eyes were opened to the reality of angels. I was living in Ozark—a small town in Alabama that was essentially my wilderness place—and diligently looking for a church to call my home when I found a Pentecostal congregation that...Jul 9, 2017 | Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
We know the enemy is launching fiery darts at the saints, but the Lord showed me demonic fiery darts are no match for the divine arrows from heaven.Father God has given us the shield of faith to quench the enemy’s flaming missiles, but He’s also given us...
Jul 7, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The Lord has been speaking to me about angels in a strong way for the last couple of years. It started with angels of transition, then angels of deliverance, then, of course, the angels of abundant harvest and finally angels on various types of assignments....