Sep 12, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prophetic Words
I heard the Lord say: “I am ordering the steps of the hungry to the eye-opening experience. I am ordering the steps of the righteous to the purposes and plans I’ve called them to. I am ordering those who are not content to stay in the place they are, to the place that...
Apr 5, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
In a recent Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I heard the Lord say: Cast your cares on Me. Cast them on Me. Cast them on Me. Throw them into My hands. Toss them up toward My throne. Cast your cares upon Me. Cast them out of your mind and into My hands...
Mar 29, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
In my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I saw people walking in circles—but the Lord wants them to advance. People are walking in circles and seeing unwanted cycles in their lives—but the Lord wants to bring breakthrough. I heard the Lord say: “It’s time...
Mar 28, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
On my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I heard the Lord say: It is not My will for you to walk around with your head hung low. My will for you is to walk around with your head looking up because your redemption draws nigh. It comes from heavenly places....
Mar 26, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
During my Mornings With the Holy Spirit broadcast, the Lord revealed the enemy wants you to think you’ve had a mega downgrade. The devil wants you to think if you put that thing on the altar that God is asking you to put on the altar, you’re going to be lose something...
Mar 24, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
During my Mornings with the Holy Spirit broadcast, the Lord showed me many in the Body of Christ are about to enter into their Promised Land. There’s been a season in the wilderness—but they are about to enter their Promised Land. If that’s you, read on. Here what you...
Mar 21, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
On my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, the Lord showed me people in boats on rivers. Then I began to prophesy: The Lord would say to you today: “Some of you have been in a boat with people who are rowing in the opposite direction. You’re trying to row...
Mar 19, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
In my Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I prophesied these words of hope and life: “You’ve never been this way before, but I have. You’ve never known it before, but I have,” says God. “I want to bring you into that place, so be willing to step out....
Mar 17, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The Lord shows me He is requiring to step out in faith to a new thing in this season—and stepping out in faith to a new thing demands putting something on the altar that was important to you. It means putting something on the altar that your identity may be wrapped up...
Feb 28, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
I, Myself, will help you. Don’t allow bitterness and don’t allow resentment to invade your heart and steal your blessing. Don’t allow these wrong emotions to come in and overtake you. But, let My spirit overtake you, says the Lord, because I, Myself, will provide for...
Feb 26, 2018 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
This prophetic word will encourage your heart. The Lord says: I have a plan. Don’t you think I have a plan? Whatever it is you’re going through; whatever it is you are facing, I have a plan. I have a plan and My plans are perfect, and My plans are thorough! I don’t...
Feb 25, 2018 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
You’ve heard of power evangelists—and you know that intercession paves the way for successful propagation of the gospel. Look for the rise of power intercessors. When I was in Knoxville recently, the Lord began to talk to me about power gifts in the five-fold. We hear...
Aug 17, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Paul warns us to cast down vain imaginations and everything that exalts itself against the knowledge of God. Put another way, we need to discern the demonic creepers that sneak into our thought life. In this Mornings With the Holy Spirit prayer broadcast, I...
May 3, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The Lord is calling for intercessors that will stand in the gap. I feel a strong unction for underground intercessors to arise in the cities of the nations. The Lord is putting a new mantle of boldness on intercessors who are willing to lay it all down for Him. On a...Apr 17, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The Lord shows me that some of you are on the mind traffic train. It makes a lot of noise. It shakes you. It rumbles…it’s going around in circles. It’s going from place to place. It’s stopping at those old familiar spots in your soul....Apr 17, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
“I’m going to resurrect some things. In this season in your life, I’m going to resurrect some things. Just like I resurrected my Son from the dead, there are some dead things in your life, and I’m wanting to resurrect them. So seek Me,...Apr 17, 2017 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
I feel that the Lord wants to turn the written word into a Rhema word. If you will just get into the word…if you’ll just meditate upon it…the Lord will begin to speak to your heart. Not only will the Scriptures come alive, but He will begin to speak...Jul 24, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Sometimes I wish I could just hide away for a day, don't you? The good news is you can hide away with the Holy Spirit. He's waiting on you even now. Yes, you need to make the time but you can enter into the presence of God and find the refreshing your soul...Jul 24, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Words of knowledge were flowing left and right in this prayer call. I saw all sorts of things in the spirit, called them out, and was flooded with emails from people afterward claiming, “That was me.” In this prayer call, we just pressed into the...Jul 24, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
The Bible says that God laughs at His enemies. That, of course, is because He sees the end from the beginning. Many of you would be better off if you'd laugh in the devil's face instead of wrestling against flesh and blood. In this prayer call, God showed up...Jul 24, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Are you like many in David's camp at the cave of Adullam? Distressed and in debt? God wants you to be debt free. The Bible says to owe no man anything except to love him. In this prayer call, we prayed over debts. We're also having a supernatural debt...Jul 24, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Are you worried? Are you fretting? Filled with anxiety? It's time to cast all those cares on the Lord. In this prayer call, we focused on getting our worries off our mind. If you need deliverance in your soul, listen and agree with this call. Click the healine to...Jul 24, 2015 | Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
You can't change yourself. You are responsible for cooperating with the grace of God, for pursuing self-discipline, etc. But you can't change yourself by willpower. Only God can chage you. In this prayer call, we tapped into the grace of God to help us change....Jul 24, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
We can all use a deeper revelation of God's love for us. In this prayer call and devotion, we pressed into the love of God. If you are struggling with rejection, fear, or anything else, you need to listen t this call. Click the headline to access the call. Click...Jul 24, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
There's a lot of pressure on us from the world and from the devil and from people. Indeed, sometimes it feels like we're living in a pressure cooker. You don't have to give into the pressure. You can resist it and rest in the grace of God. We prayed over...Jul 24, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Are you managing your emotions or are your emotions managing you? If you feel like you are living up and down, down and up, you need the stability the Holy Spirit wants to bring in your life. In this prayer and devotion time, we focused on getting off that emotional...Jul 24, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Are you weary of being denied of God's promises? Who's doing the denying? It's not God. All HIs promises are yes and amen. So who's denying you? It's the enemy contending with you. Or it could be your own self holding you back. In this fervent...Jul 24, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
If you've been going around and around the same mountain, it's time to turn in a different direction. Speak to the mountain. Ask God to show you a way over or through or under or around but don't just keep circling the thing! In this prayer call, we set...Jul 9, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
In this morning's prayer call, we tapped into a powerful principle: shake it off, let it go and rise up! God is causing us to rise up! But often times you have to shake yourself loose and let some stuff go before you can rise up! You've got to listen in and...Jul 8, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Laura Harris Smith joined us to make an appeal to heaven this week. We had a powerful time in prayer. Laura, and her husband, Chris, are the founding pastors of Eastgate Creative Christian Fellowship in Nashville, TN. Laura has been in television since age 3,...Jul 8, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Every time of prayer with God is special. This prayer call was especially intimate. I was reminded of this verse during the call: “The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer...May 21, 2015 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Mornings with the Holy Spirit, Prayer & Spiritual Warfare
Jesus spoke peace to the storm. We can do the same. That peace doesn't necessary calm the outward storm, but it can calm the storm in our souls. Giving thanks is a primary way to stay peaceful in a storm. That's what we pressed into in this Mornings With the...