Aug 27, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
“Blessed are those who mourn, for they will be comforted” (Matthew 5:4. NIV) Grief is a deeply personal and painful experience that we all encounter at some point in our lives. It comes in various forms—loss of a loved one, the end of a relationship,...
Aug 26, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Why, my soul, are you downcast? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Savior and my God” (Psalm 42:11, NIV). Discouragement is an all-too-familiar emotion that can weigh heavily on our hearts. It can stem from various...
Aug 25, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
But I want you to be free from concern. One who is unmarried is concerned about the things of the Lord, how he may please the Lord” (1 Corinthians 7:32 (NASB). Singleness is often viewed as a season of waiting—a time when desires for companionship and a lifelong...
Aug 24, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven” (Ecclesiastes 3:1, ESV) In our fast-paced world, patience is a virtue that seems to be increasingly elusive. We live in an age of instant gratification, where we desire immediate...
Aug 23, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
“Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid” (John 14:27, ESV) In a world filled with turmoil, stress, and uncertainty, finding true peace can seem...
Aug 21, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Over the years, we’ve had our fair share of “spies” come into the church with wrong motives. I’ll always remember a particularly laughable situation where a woman came into our church and claimed I cussed her out in front of the entire congregation. She gave the date...
Aug 14, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
A little boy was badly misbehaving, and his mother finally had enough. “Johnny,” she said, “go sit in the corner right now! And don’t turn around until I tell you to.” Johnny resisted at first but slowly walked over to the corner and sat down. About a minute passed...
Jul 25, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
When I was in Scotland, I went to the Freemasonry capital of the nation: Edinburgh. I didn’t know it was the Freemasonry capital of the nation. I found that out later. What did know was there was tremendous witchcraft. It was bad. If you are sensitive to the spirit...
Jul 19, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
God has just the right spouse in mind for you. But sometimes He waits until you are both ready to leave singleness and fully embrace married life—and all the changes that come with it. Don’t be discouraged if everyone you know is married but you. God is preparing a...
Jul 18, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Are you being hypnotized without knowing it? You may never go to a hypnotist, but did you know that there are many subtle ways you can be hypnotized and lose control of your senses by false prophets operating in counterfeit anointings. Indeed, you don’t have to lock...
Jul 13, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
If you’ve been hypnotized, you could be under demonic influence. Hypnotism is not of God! If you allow yourself to be hypnotized, even with the best of motives, you are inviting demons into your soul. Hypnotism belongs to the realm of witchcraft. That’s why I was...
Jul 12, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Jesus cast out devils everywhere He went and said the sign of casting out demons would follow those who believe (see Mark 16:17). Deliverance ministry is vital in the church today, but most believers don’t know the basics. Some are afraid of deliverance–either...
Jul 1, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
I’m saved today thanks, in large part, to a great grandmother who prayed for me. I was on a highway to hell, but she wouldn’t let go of my soul in intercession. Thank God for harvest-minded intercessors like Mama Norris. The truth is, the intercession of the saints...
Mar 31, 2023 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
God gave Bill Bright, founder of Campus Crusade for Christ and Loren Cunningham, founder of Youth With a Mission (YWAM) a world-changing strategy in 1975. Keep in mind that both men are evangelists. Their work is evangelism and missions. (Bright has since passed...
Jan 4, 2023 | Daily Prophecy, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
2023 will be a sobering year. What do I mean by that? Sobering means thinking about serious matters. We need to be sober-minded, but not afraid. If we’re sober-minded, we can rise above and take authority over the chaos that I have been prophesying coming since New...
Dec 19, 2022 | End-Times Insight, Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic
I was sitting silently, waiting on the Lord when I heard Him say, “Remember what I told you. The time is coming–and it’s coming soon.” The time is coming–and it’s coming soon. What does He mean? I turned to Scripture. We see 38 occurrences of “the time is...
Dec 15, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
What’s going on in the world? Much of what’s to come is still behind the scenes, but God sees it. We see in part and we know in part, but God can show us what we need to see to walk in breakthrough despite the shakings in the earth. Listen in to this...
Dec 12, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Leviathan keeps visiting our ministry. It’s different names and faces, but the same spirit influencing people to tear down what God is building. After the third time in a year of dealing with Leviathan attacks, I sought the Lord for a new strategy. That’s because even...
Dec 5, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
It was a season when tongues were wagging against us faster than the speed of light. I could feel the fiery darts—the false accusations, the word curses and the slander—coming at me from several directions. My shield of faith was up as high as I could lift it, but the...
Nov 22, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
The last six years have been the best of times and the worst of times. I’ve seen more death, destruction, disease and devastation than I care to remember. I’ve also seen the hand of God move in extraordinary ways. Indeed, sometimes I feel like I have seen more than my...
Nov 17, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
We saw a scare of epic proportions in Europe on Tuesday when two people in Poland were killed by Russian missile that landed in the NATO territory. Russia denied it fired the missiles into Poland as an investigation was underway. Poland’s president on Wednesday...
Nov 4, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, National Prophecy, Prophetic
I am believing for revival in Iran. And this is a critical turning point. Will we stand and pray or turn a blind eye to this potential hinge in history? This is Jennifer LeClaire, and this is Praying the News. On today’s broadcast, we’ll look at the crisis in Iran and...
Sep 12, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
As nations mourn the loss of Queen Elizabeth II, I feel an urgency to point back to prophetic insight the Lord gave me in August 2019 concerning the Queen’s passing. It’s a promise and a warning. I offer this in a spirit of humility and compassion, knowing that some...
Sep 7, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
She was clearly deceived. Sally heard a voice that said if she didn’t leave our church she would be devoured by a lion like the young prophet who followed the voice of the lying prophet rather than the voice of God (see 1 Kings 13:23). She didn’t want to leave our...
Sep 1, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Scripture promises the Holy Spirit will show us things to come. Sometimes it’s just a glimpse of what lies ahead. But many times in order to see what He’s trying to show us, we need to look from a different angle. I heard the Lord say, “Come up here. Come up higher....
Aug 28, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Droughts are nothing new, but we’re seeing a deluge of droughts in the nations. Is this a coincidence, or a sign of the times? Any student of Scripture can see what is happening in the earth with droughts in one place and flash floods in the other. We’re literally...
Aug 26, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives, Prophetic, Prophetic Insight, Uncategorized
When I entered Berlin, I felt a tightness in the atmosphere. Almost immediately, the spirit of Artemis confronted me. This demon was staring me in the face. Maybe you’ve never heard of Artemis. But this principality was a central figure in the life of the Ephesians,...
Aug 24, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Sometimes, we can feel like the Humpty Dumpty, the character from the nursery rhyme about a character who had a great fall and all the king’s horses and all the king’s men couldn’t put him back together again. But the King can put you back together when you fall,...
Aug 22, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Nuclear war has been a threat since the 1950s. Schools in those days conducted drills during which students would hide under their desks. The infamous duck-and-cover drills aimed to simulate what students should do in case of an atomic attack. Nuclear fallout shelters...
Aug 21, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
Aug 20, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives
I’ve been spontaneously prophesying on my Mornings with the Holy Sprit broadcast since 2014. Sometimes, the words don’t go further than the prayer call. But we archive them. I wanted to share this one with you, as it predicts the season we’re in now. We need to...
Aug 18, 2022 | Jennifer LeClaire Exclusives